• Valparaiso, Chile
  • Valparaiso, Chile
  • Valparaiso, Chile
  • Valparaiso, Chile

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission Deadline
    June 19, 2016 July 3, 2016
Notification of Acceptance
    August 16, 2016
Camera-ready copy
    August 25, 2016

Start of Conference
    October 13, 2016
End of Conference
    October 14, 2016


Keynote Speakers

Prof. Marilia Curado from University of Coimbra: https://www.cisuc.uc.pt/people/show/2122

Keynote Title: "Routing: from a Structured World to the Unpredictability of Wireless"

Abstract: Routing is playing a key role in the Internet and has evolved to support new types of applications and services, as well as network structures. This talk addresses the way research into routing has been conducted in the last 20 years. The main routing objectives are set out together with a discussion of the challenges facing the design of routing solutions. Wired networks have been, and still are, the core building blocks of the Internet. These are only possible owing to the capabilities of routing protocols to provide end-to-end connectivity across multiple domains. There will thus be an examination of routing solutions for wired networks, including aspects such as quality of service routing, traffic engineering and signalling. Routing in multi-hop wireless networks raises new challenges because of the characteristics of the wireless medium and its potential node mobility. These will be investigated for three different types of multi-hop wireless networks, namely, Wireless Mesh Networks, Mobile Ad-hoc Networks and Delay Tolerant Networks. There will also be an analysis of current research involving routing problems namely, in Machine-to-Machine communications, Cloud-based Internet of Things systems, and Cloud infrastructures. The work presented in this talk summarises several years of research at the Laboratory of Communications and Telematics (LCT) of the Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC) including results obtained in national and international projects and lays out topics for open issues in this research area.

Short bio: Marilia Curado is a Tenured Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, from where she got a PhD in Informatics Engineering on the subject of Quality of Service Routing, in 2005. Her research interests are Quality of Service, Quality of Experience, Energy efficiency, Wireless Networks, Mobility, Cloud Systems, and Software Defined Networks. She is the coordinator of the Laboratory of Communications and Telematics of the Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra. She has been general and TPC chair of several conferences (e.g. FMN2010/2012, ACM SAC NET2012/2017, IEEE IWQoS2012, ACM SIGCOMM FhMN2013, IFIP WMNC2014, IFIP MedHocNet2015) and belongs to the editorial board of Elsevier Computer Networks. In addition, she has participated as TPC member in over 200 international conferences. She participated in many Portuguese, European and International research projects such as COST263 (QofIS – Quality of Future Internet Services), E-NEXT (EU FP6 NoE – Next Generation Networking Experiments and Technologies), COST290 (Wi‑QoST – Traffic and QoS Management in Wireless Multimedia Networks), EuQoS (EU FP6 IP – End to End Quality of Service over Heterogeneous Networks), CONTENT (EU FP6 NoE – Content Networks And Services For Home Users), WEIRD (EU FP6 IP – WiMAX Extensions to Isolated Research Data networks), GINSENG (EU FP7 STREP - Performance Control in Wireless Sensor Networks), iCIS (Portuguese QREN – Intelligent Computing in the Internet of Things and Services), ACROSS (EU COST – Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services), AAPELE (EU COST – Algorithms, Architectures and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments), ATENA (H2020 Advanced Tools to assEss and mitigate the criticality of ICT compoNents and their dependencies over Critical InfrAstructures), EUBra-BIGSEA (H2020 Europe – Brazil Collaboration of BIG Data Scientific Research through Cloud-Centric Applications), UBIQUIMESH (FCT – Cross-Layer Optimization in Multiple Mesh Ubquitous Networks), MORFEU (FCT Multi-Objective Robot Fleet for Improved Communication), UCR (User Centric Routing), and TRONE (Trustworthy and Resilient Operations in a Network Environment). She regularly acts has expert evaluator and reviewer for European Commission and international research organizations.




Prof. Raouf Boutaba from University of Waterloo https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/faculty-staff/contacts/raouf-boutaba

Keynote Title: "Designing Reliable Virtual Networks: Challenges and Solutions"

Abstract: Network Virtualization allows multiple Virtual Networks to coexist on a single physical substrate in isolation from each other, i.e., without security or performance interferences. It has been propounded as a diversifying attribute of the future inter-networking paradigm that can enable seamless integration of new features resulting in a more rapid evolution of the Internet architecture. More recently, it is being rolled out in data center networks as a means to provide bandwidth guarantees to cloud applications. Efficient utilization of the shared substrate network resources is dependent on effective techniques for virtual network embedding (VNE), which maps virtual networks on physical substrate network resources. A significant body of research focused over the years on devising efficient algorithms for the VNE problem, mostly assuming that the substrate network remains operational at all times. In practice, however, physical link and node failures commonly occur as part of everyday operations, propagating in virtualized environments to multiple hosted virtual networks. Back in 2010 we removed this assumption introducing and formulating the Survivable Virtual Network Embedding (SVNE) problem by incorporating single substrate link failures. Since then, a number of research proposals extended SVNE in various ways to handle substrate link as well as node failures. In general the goal of SVNE is to achieve reliable embedding of virtual networks, i.e., a mapping of virtual network requests onto substrate network resources capable to survive substrate resource failures. In this talk, I will discuss the key challenges in this area and present some of our recent contributions to the design of reliable virtual data centers and virtual transport networks.

Short bio: Raouf Boutaba is a Professor of Computer Science and Associate Dean Research of the faculty of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo. He is the founding Editor in Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (2007-2010), and on the editorial board of several other journals. He served as the general or technical program chair for a number of international conferences including IM, NOMS and CNSM. His research interests are in the areas of network and service management. He has published extensively in these areas and received several journal and conference Best Paper Awards such as the IEEE 2008 Fred W. Ellersick Prize Paper Award. He also received several other recognitions such as the Premier's Research Excellence Award, Industry research excellence Awards, fellowships of the Faculty of Mathematics, of the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science and several outstanding performance awards at the University of Waterloo. He has also received the IEEE Communications Society Hal Sobol Award and the IFIP Silver Core in 2007, the IEEE Communications Society Joe LociCero and the Dan Stokesbury awards in 2009, the IEEE Communications Society Salah Aidarous award in 2012, and the recipient of the 2014 McNaugthon Gold Medal. He served as a distinguished lecturer for the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. He is fellow of the IEEE, a fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada and a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering.

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